Independent financial life planner
Empowering you to master your finances so you can live a life of freedom without worrying about money.
Does this sound familiar?
Are you worried you’ll have enough money in retirement?
Do you feel overwhelmed, confused, and wonder what information you can actually trust?
Are you concerned your hard work will go to waste because you don’t know how to prepare for the future?
The financial world can be overwhelming. Things like pensions and investing can all seem like a foreign language!
I get it. That’s why I work with you to simplify all that and make the right choices for you, your money and your long-term goals.
Let’s build you the life you deserve
I’ve helped hundreds of professionals to build their personalised financial life plan and create a prosperous life – both now and in their future.
Financial Life Planning isn’t just about products, plans, and points. It really IS about hopes, dreams, aspirations and fears. Getting totally real about what you want and what you deserve to have. It’s about helping you to align your money and resources to support those plans fully and realise financial freedom.
Through working together, I’ll inspire and lead you to pursue your aspirations, resolve any obstacles and create an aligned Financial Life Plan to deliver the freedom you’ve always wanted.
Not only will we create a better financial reality for you right now (never worry about your bank statement again) but we’ll also set you up for financial security in years to come (yes, you can retire comfortably and it’s not too late to start saving).
I’ll be there with you every step of the way to ensure you stay on track.
Download my guide
PROSPER – The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Your Wealth in Retirement
Conquere your finances now, so you can stop feeling worried and instead sleep better knowing that you have a clear plan in place for retirement.
Download a simple one page financial plan
How do we work together?
Working together, we’ll discover what’s possible for you working with what you have now and where you’d like to go. I take a 360-degree approach to your lifestyle and your finances, coaching you to give your money meaning through truly understanding how to make your finances work for you.
Create your big-picture life vision. Prioritise what’s important to you. Make a plan to get you there. I take a 3-pronged approach to ensure every aspect (and every eventuality) is planned for in your bespoke road map.
“I now have a plan with purpose which gives me confidence to invest my money”.
I have been a client of Nila’s since 2016 and even after my initial contact with her I felt much happier.
She helps get clarity over not just your whole financial situation but the details too.
I had asked other knowledgeable financial people and done a bit of online research, but Nila explained her reasonings behind what we chose to do and it is her holistic approach to financial planning that really works for me.
I now have a plan with purpose which gives me security that I am doing the best with my windfall.
“I had a big life decision to make, and Nila helped me take the leap.”
I had a big decision to make. I was treading water and not going anywhere for ages so something needed to shift. I was scared of standing still and terrified moving forward. Nila took me through the figures. Several scenarios for me to see the picture and get things clear. We then put the figures aside and talked about money and my mindset towards it.
I knew I had money blocks but really never sat down and reflected or thought about my limiting beliefs. At one point I actually said: I don’t deserve to earn. We worked through more thoughts and turned it around. I took the leap.
“Honesty runs through Nila like Brighton Rock!”
Nila is an expert in her field and I knew she was totally trustworthy, and she has integrity and honesty running through her like Brighton Rock!
This coupled with her kindness, compassion and empathy are other values that shine out from Nila.
I also felt safe opening up to her about this highly emotive and sensitive subject.
I have embedded a greater sense of my own agency and capability in managing my finances. Thank you from the depths of my heart and soul.”
Understanding Your Financial Levers
When managing money and working towards financial goals
Reflection and Gratitude
Looking back over the year